APEX Texas Youth Honor Society

Member Registration Form
Photo Gallery
Letter from Founder - Joycelyn
On-line Registration Form
Feb-March 2017 Reminders:
-The Annual ATYHS Spelling Bee will be on 3/19/2017 @1 PM at the Plano Day School

Rules of Attendance- Members must attend 75 percent of the meetings, so you can only miss 3 meetings unexcused. Officers must attend 90 percent of the meetings, so you can only miss 1 meeting unexcused.


Project Ideas- Our main problem right now is funds so any fundraiser ideas would be great. Our current ideas for fundraising and other projects are an animal shelter drive, senior center party, mental math competition, lemonade stand, and bake sale.  Our current budget is $128.50 not including new members fees and t-shirt costs. Last year, we had a lemonade stand that raised $60 dollars, so any sort of fundraiser really helps. We also talked about Bedstart in our first meeting of the year, which we can implement into our volunteer opportunities after the spelling bee if y’all are interested. Bedstart is where you can give furniture to people who don’t have any and volunteers can help load furniture (you do not need to be able to do heavy lifting ).